

Hai Jiang Group's Party Branch Launched the Theme Party Day Activity of "Inheriting Canal Culture and Drawing Strength for Advancement".

Published:2023-09-27Author: Haijiang Group


The Grand Canal is the longest man-made canal in the world and a very valuable cultural heritage. The culture of the Grand Canal is an important part of China's outstanding traditional culture, and efforts should be made to protect, pass on and utilize it, so as to give the ancient Grand Canal a new look for the times.

-- Xi Jinping during a visit to the Zhedong Canal Cultural Park in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, on Sept. 20, 2023

In order to deeply study and implement President Xi Jinping's thought of socialist education withChinese characteristics, Hai Jiang Group organized party members and cadres to visit and study inCangzhou Grand Canal Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall on September 27th, to listen tothe story of the Grand Canal and feel the cultural heritage heritage heritage. The theoretical achievements were transformed into firm ideals, practical spirit, refining party spirit, and tamping forward beliefs with practice

Chinese Culture Pass on the Spiriting

Cangzhou is the city with the longest mileage of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which embraces this magical fertile land with a broad mind, and impregnates it with a unique color and charm. "The new river is favorable for boats and oars, and fish and salt can reach the sea directly." Over the past thousand years, this city, which occupies a special geographic position along the canal coast and at the crossroads of the north and the south, has been blessed with access to land and sea, which has contributed to the prosperity of humanities and economic development, and has demonstrated a vibrant vitality: the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which meanders through the city, has contributed to the prosperity of trade and commerce for hundreds of years, and has nurtured the unique "Canal Culture". The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is also an important part of the "Belt and Road", and under the impetus of new ideas and policies, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is undoubtedly equipped with strong development strength.

Enter the exhibition hall and feel the history

Walking into the exhibition hall, a water patterned "moon" comes into view, echoing the theme of "A boat with a bright moon passing through Cangzhou", and the exquisite reliefs on both sides of the wall record the development process of Cangzhou, with one stroke of the brush framing the historical moments, and one scene recreating the past years. Further ahead, exhibitions on different themes such as "Cultural Heritage Protection", "Life on the Grand Canal" and "Non-heritage Techniques" are presented in turn. Stone carving and seal carving, gold stone seal carving, Wang factory burin copper, Beijing comb, lacquer aesthetic restoration, calligraphy and oil painting, carved pottery ball clay sculpture, handmade rope weaving, handmade wool felt, handmade wool crochet, handmade cloth production, handmade leather experience, handmade embroidered jewelry, display art design, quick portrait cartooning, Dongguang Red Clay Craft, etc., non-heritance inheritors and handicrafts creators came to the non-heritance exhibition hall and displayed their skills, as well as the elegant guzheng performance. A number of cultural and artistic displays such as joint performances, attracted a holler, shuttling between the galleries of the exhibition hall, party members and cadres as if into the long book of history, immersive feel the cultural charm of the millennium inherited. They could not help but marvel at the contributions made by Cangzhou and the Grand Canal to the prosperity and development of the motherland.

Righting the Source, Daring to be First

Through this party activity, all party members and cadres saw that the development of Cangzhou has experienced countless challenges, but also gained glittering achievements, a vivid scene makes every participant in the glorious footprints to draw the spiritual power to move forward. Party members and cadres should take the initiative to expand their horizons and undergo ideological refinement. From the ideological source, effectively put the interests of the country and the people before action, deeply comprehend the humanistic sentiment of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, put the service to the right place, take the benefit of the masses as the starting point and ending point of the work, and effectively enhance the people's sense of security and sense of well-being.

A pair of Tang stone lions located on both sides of the main door of the exhibition hall were donated by Hai Jiang Group and permanently collected by the Grand Canal Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall, which is Hai Jiang Group's encouragement to the inheritance of the cultural heritage, and also demonstrates Hai Jiang Group's determination to contribute to the society. We will always struggle forward on the road of protecting cultural relics, keeping in mind the mission of daring to be the first, putting the spirit of courage to challenge into the work, not only for the development of culture, but also for the economic development, social development to set up the backbone of the force, and stick to the original heart, to give up their lives and forget about their own, and to answer the mandatory question of serving the people and guarding the security of the country.